分類彙整: 觀測記錄

20151217 IC405

IC405 (Flaming Star Nebula, SH 2-229, or Caldwell 31)
H-α 900s x 12 frames= 3Hrs stacked.
w/bias *10 dark*10 flat*6 OAG guiding.
Alluna RC 16″, STL-11000m at -30°C, SB PM mount.
Kinmen, Taiwan.
CCDOps5 remove vertical bars.
Maxim DL V5 Pro stacked .
PS processed .


20151201 NGC7662


NGC7662 snow ball nebula
  也稱為藍雪球星雲或科德韋爾22,是位於仙女座的一個行星狀星雲。這個星雲的真實距離並不很精確,依據Skalnate Pleso星表 (1951)是1,800光年,直徑20,00天文單位。稍後,C.R.O’Dell (1963)測量的距離是1,740秒差距或大約5,600光年,真實的大小也增加至0.8光年或大約50,000天文單位。在它的中心可以看見一顆暗淡的恆星,光度在12-16等之間。中心的恆星是一顆藍矮星,有著連續光譜,計算逤得的溫度是75,00K。這是所知的行星狀星雲中,中心恆星溫度最高的一顆。
  NGC 7662是一顆很受業於觀測者喜愛的星雲,一架小的折射鏡就可以解析出恆星和輕微的雲氣。以6吋鏡放大100倍觀察,將可以看見藍色的盤狀。使用16吋或更大的口徑,可以看內部細微的顏色和亮度變化。
H-α 600s x 10 frames w/bias dark flat at -20°C
crops to 800×600 pixels guiding.
Alluna RC 16″ , SBIG-11000m, on Soft Bisque Paramount ME.

20151129 IC349


C349 for Teaching
A small, bright extension of the Merope Nebula (NGC 1435) in the Pleiades star cluster. IC 349 lies 36 arc-seconds (corresponding to a linear distance of about 0.06 light-year or 3,500 times the Earth-Sun distance) to the southeast position angle 165°) of Merope. This small reflection nebula first discovered by E. E. Barnard in 1890 and is also referred to as Barnard’s Merope Nebula.
In the 1999 Hubble Space Telescope image shown here, Merope itself is just outside the frame on the upper right. The colorful rays of light at the upper right, pointing back to the star, are an optical phenomenon produced within the telescope, and are not real. However, the remarkable parallel wisps extending from lower left to upper right are genuine features, seen for the first time.
small IC349 icon from Wiki